“Westly’s Mile” Boosts Physical Activity at Five Area Elementary Schools

Last October, Healthy West Orange and the American Heart Association launched Westly’s Mile — a walk/run club —  at five elementary schools in west Orange County. Participating schools included Maxey Elementary, Ocoee Elementary, SunRidge Elementary, Tildenville Elementary and Westbrooke Elementary. 

Since the program launched, nearly 400 elementary school students have walked or run more than 6,700 combined miles. Additional milestones achieved this year include:

  • 17 students completed 50 miles
  • Two students completed 75 miles
  • One student completed 100 miles
  • One student completed 125 miles 
  • One student completed 150 miles 

“Studies show that kids who are regularly active are more likely to have improved mental wellbeing, higher self-esteem, better sleep and better academic performance,” says Lesa Boettcher, chief operating officer of the Foundation. “We hope that Westly’s Mile will continue to provide a fun and meaningful way for kids in our community to stay active.”

Over the next five years, Westly’s Mile will expand to 29 elementary schools in west Orange County.