be a HWO partner cover photo

If you’re in the health and wellness business (or would like to talk to healthy consumers), consider partnering with Healthy West Orange on its new health and wellness app, “Carrot.”

The app is available for iphone and android users, and delivers deals and discounts from local businesses who want to show their support for a healthy community.

It promotes area events and connects users to local meet-up groups offering everything from lifestyle support to sports pick-up games to social clubs.

And for the competitive set (you know who you are), the app also presents several weekly challenges to encourage small but meaningful changes.

Best of all: it’s free. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to and register your business as a Healthy West Orange Champion. Identify the products or services you’d like to promote to our thousands of followers.

  • Let your customers know you’re part of the movement by displaying your fancy new window cling & point-of-purchase signage.

  • Use your social channels to tell the world you’re a Healthy West Orange Champion and point them to CARROT to redeem your offer. And don’t worry, we’ll promote you on all our channels too. Feel the love!