Communities don’t transform overnight; it takes careful planning, preparation, and prioritization to affect real change. A critical tool we use to track our community’s progress is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “County Health Rankings and Roadmaps,” which compares the health of nearly all counties in the United States to others within its own state, and supports coalitions tackling the social, economic and environmental factors that influence health.

The ongoing national study analyzes data from local health departments with a focus on four factors:

  • Behaviors, like the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, as well as diet and exercise

  • Clinical care, including ease of access and quality

  • Social and economic factors, such as education, employment, income, family and social support, and community safety

  • Physical environment, like air and water quality, as well as housing and transit options

According to the most recent data, Orange County ranks 9th among Florida’s 67 counties for overall health outcomes, 14th in healthy behaviors and 33rd in overall health factors. See more Orange County stats here.


To address community needs, we’re working with community leaders and partners to tackle some of the area’s most pressing needs first and will continue to grow our scope as we go.

For example, we support an initiative that’s shedding a bright light on local opioid use and convening organizations that can help deliver solutions.