Creating a Culture of Health

Healthy West Orange is a grassroots movement that encourages residents to eat well, stay active and enjoy life.

Through Healthy West Orange, the Foundation inspires healthy behaviors, champions healthy programs, unites health-minded organizations, and advocates for healthy community decisions.

Residents participated in 5K races and challenges
Residents reached through virtual and live programming
Community events and festivals with Healthy West Orange engagement

Westly’s Mile

In collaboration with the American Heart Association, the Foundation launched “Westly’s Mile” at five elementary schools in west Orange County.

The walk/run club is designed to give elementary students in west Orange County a foundation of healthy habits. The multiyear program is expected to reach 29 schools by 2027.

In its first year, nearly 400 students at five elementary schools walked or ran more than 6,700 combined miles. In addition:

  • Westly’s Mile students saw an overall 2.05-minute improvement in their minute-per-mile pace.
  • Parents and caregivers have reported a 17% increase in student participants getting 31-60 minutes of physical activity outside of school.
  • 100% of Westly’s Mile coordinators found overall positive health benefits from participating students.
  • 67% of Westly’s Miler coordinators have seen increased mental well-being in their students.